WST Student-Faculty Research Partnerships

April 2015

Women, Science, & Technology (WST)
Undergraduate Student-Faculty Research Partnerships

WST continues the very successful initiative supporting Georgia Tech faculty research partnerships with undergraduate students in research on gender, science, and technology, providing hourly funding for undergraduate research assistants. This is Georgia Tech's first --inaugural-- undergraduate student-faculty research program.

In this way, WST continues to engage students and faculty in active and cooperative learning outside as well as inside the classroom.

If you are interested in undertaking a WST student-faculty partnership for some/or all of upcoming period of May 1 - June 30, 2015, please send an application with the following information to 

(1) Name of student -- and student's major area of study, email, and phone; and whether student has previously worked at GT (which is for accounting purposes)
(2) Faculty supervisor
(3) Description of the project for partnership
(4) Proposed number of hours a week for student in partnership (10-15/wk is usual)
(5) Proposed period for the partnership (that is, some or all of the months of May - June 2015)
(6) Proposed rate of pay ($10.00 - 12.00/hr. - depending upon the experience of the student)