ADVANCE Workshop on Leadership Strategies

March 2015

Dear IAC Friends,

The Georgia Tech ADVANCE Professors are organizing a Workshop on Leadership Strategies for Women Faculty.

Title: Get Your Voice on the Table: Leadership Strategies for Women Faculty
Date/Time: March 30, 2015 (Monday) – 9:30am-2:30pm

Issues: Many highly successful women in academia can easily identify what changes need to happen for their organization to succeed, but find it difficult to lead others to confront the challenges facing their group. They often find themselves not heard in the way that they had hoped. The heart of this workshop is to help women use a strategic approach to getting their voices on the table: differentiating types of challenges, understanding factions and what's at stake, using alliances, getting on the balcony, and preparing for meetings in a new way. This workshop also will offer vocal skills designed to help participants be more effective as leaders. The goal is to be heard and understood so that we can successfully influence decision-making in both our professional and our daily lives. Participants will leave with new strategies ­ theoretical, psychological, and physical ­ for successfully leading change in their institution or organization.

Additional details on the workshop and RSVP are here:
Limited seats are available

Hope to see you there !

with good wishes, -Mary

Mary Frank Fox
IAC Advance Professor