Potential Extensions in the Probationary Period and the Active Service Modified Duties Program

March 2017

Dear IAC Friends,

Please see these documents (attached) on potential extensions in the probationary period and on the Active Service Modified Duties Program - and let me know if you may have suggestions or responses to them.

With thanks and regards, -Mary
Mary Frank Fox
Ivan Allen College (IAC) ADVANCE Professor


ADVANCE Professors and Associate Deans for Faculty Development,

Attached are two items that we have been discussing together for some time.

·One is the request to the Statutes Committee to make some small but important changes in the Faculty Handbook around extension of the probationary period. This will wend its way now through Faculty Governance processes.

·The other is the current draft of the description of the Active Service Modified Duties program in the Provost’s office. Dr. Bras would like the Deans to be aware of and have a chance to respond to this revision. Could the ADVANCE professors and associate deans from each college work together to review it with your deans and convene faculty discussions as you see fit? I would appreciate a report back in a month, at the FDAD meeting on April 24, if possible.

I particularly want to thank the ADVANCE professors for moving these revisions forward. Living up to our commitment to be a family-friendly campus requires us to keep moving forward. I believe these changes do that.
